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In-demand overseas jobs for aspiring OFWs

Sea-based and land-based engineers, healthcare professionals, and Information Technology (IT) professionals are the highest-paying jobs in 2017, as per the annual report of, an overseas job portal in the Philippines, released January 17, 2018.

Here is an infographic of the top countries of deployment with its respective salary:

Overseas Salary Report 2017 Infographic 1

Saudi Arabia remains as the top work destination for Filipinos, while the UAE comes third in the list.

Here’s the list of the top 10 work destinations for OFWs:

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Qatar
3. UAE
4. Kuwait
5. Bahrain
6. Oman
7. USA
8. New Zealand
9. Malaysia
10. Taiwan

Meanwhile, according to the survey of agencies by Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), the top 20 in-demand land-based and sea-based skills are:

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