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Man in Italy uses fake arm to avoid COVID-19 jab

A man in Italy used a silicone limb to avoid being jabbed with the COVID-19 shot.

The Italian man wanted a coronavirus vaccine certificate without getting the jab and was reported to local police following the incident on Thursday night in Biella, northwest Italy. The man was in his 50s.

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Health officials said that the act was “unacceptable” and the incident came ahead of a tightening of the rules Monday in Italy for people who have not yet been vaccinated against COVID-19.

A “Green Pass” showing proof of vaccination, recent recovery from coronavirus or a negative test, was required for indoor dining in restaurants, visiting museums, cinemas, theaters, and attending sporting events.

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However, from December 6, these activities will be restricted to holders of a “Super Green Pass” available to those who have been vaccinated.

Italy was the first European country to be hit by the pandemic in early 2020. The country is currently faring better than many of its neighbors.

On Thursday, 16,800 new cases were reported besides 72 deaths. (AW)

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