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Filipinos start getting digital PhilID cards as 800k sign up for it

With PhilID cards being distributed to Filipinos as valid proof of identity all across the country, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) expects to launch biometric authentication and KYC services based on fingerprint biometrics, facial scans and OTPs which will not require physical cards of these id holders.

More than 800,000 have already signed up for the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) via digital registration, according to PSA.

Presently only those who have completed the biometric phase of registration with the Philippines Identification System (PhilSys) are being issued the digital cards, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority(PSA).

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The distribution process, which is being done with the collaboration of the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost), started on May 1 and the PhilID, as it is known, will be used as the only valid proof of identity. It will enable holders to access certain public services such as enrollment in schools and the opening of a bank account among other uses, the PSA said in a press release.

Dennis S. Mapa, PSA Undersecretary and Civil Registrar General, in a statement, called on all stakeholders to support the initiative so that the PhilID is widely accepted as the only proof of ID.

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“We need the cooperation of all to realize our financial inclusion and social protection goals – from the PhilSys registrants to government agencies, financial institutions, and businesses. I enjoin the government and private sector to actively participate in the PhilSys implementation by honoring and accepting the PhilID as sufficient, valid proof of identity in line with the law, without the need to present any other ID. Many Filipinos, especially the poor and marginalized, are unable to access basic economic and social services for lacking a ‘valid ID’. With the cooperation of various entities, the PhilSys, through the PhilID, will finally make transactions easier for them,” Mapa said.

The three ids: PhilID, PhilSys Number (PSN) and PhilSys Card Number (PCN) are used for opening bank accounts, accessing government services, and applying for credit. The PhilID is also utilised for government benefits, driver’s license and passport applications, and identity verification within the healthcare system, while the PCN can be used without the physical ID card for public and private sector transactions. (AW)

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