
WATCH: Internet celebrity Nas Daily showcases UAE as safest country to visit for tourists

The UAE has opened its doors for tourists as of July 7 and several visitors have already enjoyed the country’s sights and sounds, including internet celebrity ‘Nas Daily’ who labeled the UAE as the ‘safest country to visit in Corona’.
Nas Daily, who has amassed a following of over 7.5 million on Facebook alone, featured the UAE’s procedure for all tourists who visit the country.
“I have just arrived to the United Arab Emirates. It’s one of the first countries in the world to open for tourism safely. FOr the first time in four months, we can finally travel, despite COVID-19,” said Nas Daily.
RELATED STORY: LOOK: Dubai warmly welcomes tourists back to their second home
The video then outlined the preventive measures and step by step process done by the UAE government including:
– Limits on plane passengers only up to 80% capacity to provide space between yourself and other visitors;
– Provision of protective equipment
– Free COVID-19 test upon arrival at the airport. Those who pass don’t have to spend 14 days in quarantine
– Sanitized hotel rooms
– Mandatory wearing of masks and temperature/thermal checks at malls
– Social distancing is enforced outdoors
“Yes, there is still COVID-19 unfortunately and we still have to be careful. But this country understands that COVID is here to stay and we need to learn to live with it. Dubai is proof that it’s possible to travel again. We just need to put tourism second, and safety first!,” said Nas Daily.
READ ON: Dubai Tourism launches initiative as emirate reopens to tourists
As of this post, the video has already garnered 4.2 million views, with over 150,000+ reactions and comments as well as 50,000+ shares. Watch the video here:

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