
Steve Harvey on COVID-19 pandemic: Right now, UAE is the safest place on Earth

Actor and host Steve Harvey believe that the safest country in the world during the coronavirus disease or COVID-19 outbreak is the UAE.
Steve Harvey made the remark on his radio program, The Steve Harvey Morning Show.
“According to stats I’m reading, the safest place on Earth right now in terms of large countries is the UAE,” Harvey said.
The radio host commended the country’s testing and proactive response to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
“They conducted more coronavirus testing, they have the lowest death rate and lowest infection. They jumped on this thing right away. It has a lot of to do with leadership over there because they love they are serious; they love their people and they do everything to protect and keep their people safe,” he elaborated.
Harvey lamented that the US leadership will follow UAE’s example on tackling the crisis.
“If only our leadership have jumped on this than calling it a hoax instead of having it to pass the bill and all of this,” he said.
READ MORE: UAE launches 24/7 hotline for valid visa holders outside the country
READ MORE: WATCH: UAE intensifies sanitation on public transpo vs. COVID-19

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