
Willie Revillame preparing inheritance of children, grandkids

Meryll Soriano/Instagram

TV host Willie Revillame is one excited grandfather when he talks about his grandkids with actress Meryll Soriano.

The host has two grandchildren, one is Gido, Meryll’s son with Joem Bascon and the other one is Elijah, Meryll’s son with Bernard Palanca.

Willie said there is so much happiness whenever he sees his two grandkids.

“Hindi lang lolo, hindi lang apo, parang gusto ko na kaibigan mo, kabarkada mo ‘yung apo mo, ‘yung ganu’n,” Willie told GMA News. “Kung ano ‘yung nakikita mo sa akin on TV, parang gusto ko ganu’n. ‘Yung iniinis mo, ‘yun ang gusto ko, eh.”

The host added that he even prepares for his grandchildren’s inheritance from him.

He said he is happy because his three children are bonded.

Meryll is Willie’s daughter with Becbec Soriano. Marimonte Shanelle Viduya-Revillame, is Willie’s daughter from a non-showbiz woman in Baguio City.

And the youngest is Juan Emmanuel o Juami his son with Liz Almoro-Aliwalas.

Staff Report

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