
Karen Davila’s son rushed to hospital

Karen Davila and her husband, DJ, stayed together with their son David, to ensure his safety. Photo from Karen Davila's Instagram account: @iamkarendavila

TV journalist Karen Davila has shared on her Instagram account that her son was rushed to the hospital shortly after welcoming them from a Sorsogon trip.

“Out of the blue, he just started having a full-blown seizure!” Davila shared.

She explained that seizures might be common for kids with autism, like David, but he had never really had them, except for that one time when he was seven years old.

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Davila then wrote that she is thankful that the staff in their condominium were quick to assist them.

“They were fast thinkers, equipped to assist, and knew what to do to make sure he would stay alive. And all I did was shout the name of our Lord Jesus Christ non-stop, asking Him to heal and save David,” she said.

Davila then said that their son woke up after a few hours in the emergency room.

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“I thank God for his memory and faculties are perfect,” she said.

Davila added that David is okay now but still under 24-hour monitoring.

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AMAZING GRACE 🎚 Yesterday afternoon, my husband DJ & I arrived from an overnight trip to Sorsogon. Our son David welcomed us at our condo lobby… when out of the blue, he just started having a full blown seizure! Now, seizures can be common for kids with autism but David has never really had them. He has only had one scary episode when he was 7 yrs old. Thank God for my husband & the first responders of our condo lobby. They were fast thinkers, equipped to assist & knew what to do to make sure he would stay alive. And all I did was shout the name of our Lord Jesus Christ non-stop, asking HIM to heal & save David. And this is why I am sharing this. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for saving David yesterday. David slowly woke up and we rushed him to the ER. I thank God his memory and faculties are perfect. I thank Dr. Francis Dimalanta, his pedia with autism expertise. Doc Francis recently survived COVID19 & he shared that all he could do during his darkest times was call on Jesus too. David is OK now and undergoing a 24 hour video EEG which helps monitor brain movement. Our goal is to prevent this from happening again. What real FAITH & LIFE LESSON did God teach me today? There is POWER in the name of Jesus Christ! 🎚 It doesn’t matter who you are, what church you go to, whether you think you’re a good or bad person – calling on the name of Jesus changes everything! 😇 To God be the glory 🥰 Hug your kids today! Tell your family & friends how special they are! Appreciate LIFE ❤️ #sept142020

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