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Court orders man to pay victim AED 290,000 in borrowed money after his father’s testimony

The Al Ain Court of First Instance ordered a man to pay AED 290,000 to another person which was the amount he had borrowed from him 4 years ago after hearing the testimony of the appellee’s father.

The man testified that his son had borrowed the amount from the complainant. After this, the court also ordered payment of the lawsuit fees and expenses.

Earlier, the complainant had filed a lawsuit in which he demanded the appellee pay him AED 290,000, in addition to fees and expenses of the case for borrowing the amount from him in 2018.

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The complainant was attended with two witnesses, the first of whom was the appellee’s father, who admitted that his son had borrowed from the complainant.

The father also said that he does not know whether his son repaid the amount or not.

Staff Report

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