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Nearly 600 priests, nuns, brothers endorse Leni-Kiko candidacies

Presidential Candidate Leni Robredo, VP candidate Kiko Pangilinan visit Cathedral Parish of Saint Paul the First Hermit in San Pablo, Laguna where they attended the mass and were prayed over by Rev. Msgr. Jerry Bitoon. Photo by Llanesca Panti/GMA News Online

Almost 600 Filipino priests, nuns, religious brothers, and deacons have officially endorsed and supported the candidacies of presidential candidate Vice President Leni Robredo and vice presidential bet and senator Kiko Pangilinan.

The group of church members says that the tandem will be the best fit for the country’s next leaders.

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“…among the candidates who have laid out their political platforms and applied for the highest and the second-highest posts of the land, we adjudge that it is Vice President Maria Leonor ‘Leni’ G. Robredo and Sen. Francis ‘Kiko’ Pangilinan who best fit the job to be the next president and vice president of the Philippines,” the group “Pari Madre Misyonero Para Kay Leni” said in a statement.

“With this, we express our full support for their candidacy in the upcoming national elections,” they added.

“We, Filipino priests, deacons, brothers, and religious sisters of the Roman Catholic faith, stand to our prophetic vocation to speak up concerning the big decision the Philippine nation will make on May 9, 2022,” the group said in its opening statement. There were 597 signatories.

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Members of the group added that the two candidates have these important qualities: moral ascendancy and aptitude to lead the country, respect for basic human rights, and patriotism for the Philippines.

“After much prayer, discernment, scrutiny, discussion, and consultation with the grassroots of various sectors and local communities, we arrived at three essential qualities every leader of the country should possess and have witnessed to,” the group said.

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