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COVID-19: Sharjah updates norms for social gatherings, weddings

Authorities in Sharjah have implemented updates on restrictions regarding attendance in weddings and other social gatherings to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The attendees of social events held at homes in Sharjah must not exceed 50 people, while those attending events at halls have been restricted to 100 as part of the measures to tackle COVID-19.

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Authorities further directed that a social distance of four meters must be maintained between persons.

The wedding tents can also be organized with a capacity of no more than 200 people while the organisers have been asked to ensure that all COVID precautionary measures and social distancing are observed.

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This came as authorities in Sharjah updated Covid safety protocols in the Emirate on Sunday and as per the revised protocols only vaccinated people s or those presenting a green pass on the AlHosn application are permitted to attend such events. (AW)

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