A GCC woman has sought divorce from her husband — despite nine years of happy marriage — because the husband was not following the couple’s fertility treatment plan.
However, the Personal Status Court in Fujairah postponed the divorce hearing to listen to the husband’s view in this regard, according to Emarat Al Youm.
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The woman wanted to have children and doctors had said this was possible if the husband kept to an ongoing treatment plan. However, nine years of this treatment was ruined due to her husband not keeping to the medical plan – just out of negligence and boredom, according to the woman.
After failing to convince her husband who was constantly making excuses to stop their treatment, the woman had decided to file for divorce.
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Describing her husband as respectful and loving in their otherwise problem-free marital life, the woman said that his lack of commitment to the fertility treatment plan had affected their marital relationship.
Meanwhile, the Personal Status Court in Fujairah has postponed the divorce ruling to complete the hearing procedures and the husband’s testimony. (AW)