
Man with leukemia gets help, donation from train passengers

Social media can prove time and again that it can move mountains and hearts if put to good use.

The story of a man suffering from stage 3 Leukemia is now viral after a netizen shared his train story and how the passengers helped him get the medical attention he needed.

Acdhirr Diaz, in a Facebook post, said a guy was wheeled into the train and was bound to GMA 7 to get some help.

“This guy who was alone and wheeled in by a guard has stage 3 leukemia. He was heading to GMA7 to ask for help for his medical expenses. With him were his medical documents, including one from Malacañan,” Diaz said.

He later on said the sick man felt pain as the train started moving.

“A guy in gray was curious about his condition as the man felt pain when the train started moving, shaking. In a weak voice he was apologetic, thinking he was causing an odd scene, or causing discomfort by his presence,” Diaz added.

And then the bayanihan spirit came in as passengers started pitching money for the man’s lab test.

“Everyone in this part of the train carriage heard their conversation and started pitching in. P100 + P100 + P100… Before we reached the next station he had enough money for the lab test he needed, plus food and fare. The guys at the back called for a guard for assistance so he could go back to MaDocs,” Diaz said.

“Other than the inconvenience of passengers rushing into the carriage before he could alight, I say kindness is not lost,” he ended.

In another Facebook post, Diaz said that he doesn’t know the two men and acts of kindness and the bayanihan spirit are something worth telling.

As of this writing, Diaz’s post has more than 26,000 shares and 92,000 reactions.

Staff Report

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