Actress Sunshine Cruz took to Instagram to share the news that Lorence Anthony Guardian, the chef who sent her lewd private messages on Instagram, has been fired from his job for what he did to the actress.
It can be recalled that Cruz called out Guardian after the latter sent her messages saying that he is fantasizing about her and her three daughters.
RELATED STORY: Sunshine Cruz calls out the chef who sent her lewd private messages
After Cruz lambasted Guardian, the chef’s employers promised that they will take the messages seriously and have the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) assist in probing the matter.
In another Instagram update on Wednesday, the restaurant once again apologized to the actress. They also said that Guardian admitted to sending the messages to Cruz and that he is not terminated from his job.
The restaurant’s management is also now working with their lawyers to know the next course of action.
“May this serve as a reminder that women especially minors should be protected and respected,” Cruz wrote.
Cruz’s boyfriend, Macky Mathay III also condemned Guardian, who he referred to as a virtual predator, and said that he has already talked to the manager of the restaurant where the chef works regarding the issue.
Mathay wrote on a social media post: “This virtual predator will be fired from his job and will be reported to the authorities so that he cannot victimize other showbiz personalities, private people and minors! WOMEN SHOULD BE RESPECTED AND NEVER DISRESPECTED! Ang bastos mo and to think you have photos of your mother and lola in your Instagram feed!”
As of press time, Guardian, who earlier said that his Instagram account was hacked, has not yet posted anything new on his social media accounts.