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Global survey ranks Dubai among best city in the world for expats

The InterNations, a community for expatriates and global minds, has rated Dubai as the 3rd best city in the world for expats to live in, owing to its exceptionally good quality life.

Dubai has improved in the global ranking after it jumped 17 places from last year’s 20th ranking. 

Most expats have found Dubai as the easiest city in the world to live in without speaking the local language. 

More than eight out of 10 described the local people as generally friendly towards foreign residents.

According to the survey, more expats feel at home in Dubai than in other cities and it also performs very well in the quality of the urban living index.

Expats also feel safe and secure due to the emirate’s political stability.

The InterNations survey covered 12,420 respondents, analysing five areas of expat life including the quality of urban living, getting settled, urban work life, finance and housing, and local cost of living.

Staff Report

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