Abu Dhabi has ramped up the coverage of their free door-to-door COVID-19 tests, particularly at highly populated flats and areas.
A video from the Abu Dhabi Government Media Office shows how more frontline heroes are conducting the tests, in adherence to the country’s National Screening Programme. Highlights show that the team is currently in the Shakbout City, led by Captain Dr Aisha Al Maamari, field coordinator from the Abu Dhabi Police.
“Today, we are here in Shakhbout City to conduct screening for as many people as possible who have not already been tested especially in highly-populated residential areas, coordinating and supervising all teams and field workers,” said Dr. Al Maamari.
RELATED STORY: Free COVID-19 tests announced for international visitors to Ras Al Khaimah
“The cooperation between our partners and our common goals has helped us to achieve our mission quickly and efficiently,” said Mansour Salem Al Qubaisi, a representative from the Ambulatory Health Services at SEHA.
The UAE has achieved an important milestone in exceeding the number of tests conducted versus the country’s entire population, as it has done over 10.8 million tests as of the posting date since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
READ ON: Dubai maintains swab test requirement for residents, tourists headed back to UAE
Watch the video here:
في إطار برنامج المسح الوطني بأبوظبي، أبطال خط الدفاع الأول يبذلون قصارى جهدهم لمواصلة الفحوصات في المناطق ذات الكثافة السكانية، للمساهمة في الحد من انتشار الفيروس، والكشف المبكر عن الإصابات. تنظم حملات الفحص بالتنسيق بين دائرة الصحة-أبوظبي وشركة صحة وشرطة أبوظبي والمتطوعون pic.twitter.com/XdOToZ1pvk
— مكتب أبوظبي الإعلامي (@admediaoffice) October 9, 2020