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UAE marks end of summer this September 21

The UAE will be marking the end of its summer season today, September 21 according to leading experts in the region.

Ibrahim Al Jarwan, a member of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences announced the end of the summer season in the country as per reports from the official Twitter account of Sharjah News.

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Meanwhile, Al Jarwan also revealed that autumn in the UAE will begin on September 22, 2020 at exactly 5:31 pm.

September 22 will have an equal length of day and night according to Al Jarwan, as the sun will be directly over the equator before it moves further towards the southern hemisphere.

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Days are expected to get shorter and nights will become longer in the coming days.

Al Jarwan estimates that this period of shorter days and longer nights will last until March 20, 2021, when the day and night becomes of equal length once again.

Staff Report

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