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119 year-old Filipina eyes oldest living person title

A 119-year-old Filipina from Puerto Princesa is among the people eyeing the title of oldest living person in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Volunteers from a resort in Puerto Princesa City this month submitted the story of Francisca Susano, a 119-year-old harmonica-playing lola in Palawan, to the Guinness organization, reported ABS-CBN News.

Born on September 11, 1897, Susano is three years older than the currently recognized oldest living person, 116-year-old Emma Morano of Italy, the report said.

The Gerontology Research Group, which tracks people who are at least 110 years old, is currently verifying Susano’s age.

Susano reportedly said she reached 119 years old because she spent her life being positive, eating healthy and abstaining from alcohol.

She also visits her family in Puerto Princesa City as well in Negros Occidental, she was quoted as saying by ABS-CBN News.

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