
Thousands swarm streets in global protests against George Floyd’s death

The death of George Floyd has ignited global protests with thousands of residents across Europe and America taking their voices to the streets angry at the evident case of police brutality.

The United States of America has witnessed violent rallies of mass demonstrations placing protesters, law enforcement officers as well as innocent civilians at risk as fire and felony raged on the streets.

Reports state that protests steered Secret Service agents to escort US President Trump to an underground bunker at the White House last Friday, May 29.

RELATED STORY: Who is George Floyd and why are people protesting in the streets about him?

Hundreds of protesters appeared at the Trafalgar Square in London at the United Kingdom, despite the government ban on mass gatherings as part of the country’s preventive measures against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Similar scenes also took place at the US Embassy in Germany, where protesters held signs translating to “We are all the same and equal”, “Justice can’t wait,”  “Suffocate the racists,” and “Black futures matter”.

The US Embassy in Milan, Italy were also met with protest signs with messages including “We will not be silent,” “Stop killing black people,” and “Say his name” as per reports from Insider.

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that the country is aware and is watching the events that are transpiring in the US “with shock and horror”. “Anti-black racism — racism — is real. It’s in the United States but it’s also in Canada and we know people are facing systemic discrimination, unconscious bias, and anti-black racism every single day,” said Trudeau as per The Guardian.

Videos of George Floyd’s last moments documented the 46-year-old pleading to police officer Derek Chauvin “Please, I can’t breathe” as the officer pinned down his knee on Floyd’s neck, causing him to go unresponsive after six minutes.

Staff Report

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