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Dubai Police arrest one of the ‘most cunning’ drug dealers known as “The Bat”

Following a 10-day operation, the Dubai Police have arrested one of the ‘most cunning drug dealers’ operating in disguise as “The Bat.”

The suspect which is in his 30s is known for transacting via messaging app WhatsApp.

Police identified him as the right hand of a significant international drug dealer, and the second man in a criminal gang who sold and promoted narcotics in the UAE through social media platforms.

During his arrest, they were able to seize a total of 200kg of drugs from his possession.

“The gang has been taking extra cautions to carry out their operations and burying the drugs in remote areas across the emirates,” said Brigadier Khalid Bin Muwaiza, acting director of the department.

To further their campaign against illegal drugs, the Dubai Police has launched its 2nd Edition of ‘Anonymous Messages’ with “Al Ameen” which encourages citizens and residents to report any suspicious messages offering sale of illegal drugs.

During the first half of 2022, the e-crime platform received about 2,222 reports on anonymous messages, while 527 dealers were arrested during the same period.

Staff Report

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