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Abu Dhabi removes thermal screening across all public spaces

UAE residents no longer need to undergo any thermal screening when visiting public spaces in Abu Dhabi.

Circular No. 19/2022 of the Department of Culture and Tourism in Abu Dhabi (DCT – Abu Dhabi) released on October 10, specified that all EDE scanners and thermal screenings will be removed.

“Based on the directives of the concerned authorities issued in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, EDE and thermal screening are not required at entry points. Green Pass protocols use remains valid and required at entry points effective today,” read the circular which was sent to hotel and tourism establishments general managers, event organizers, and venue owners, as well as to heads of museums, cultural and leisure venues.

It specified that Green Pass protocols will remain in place across all public spaces in the capital.

Earlier, the UAE dropped its mask mandate – requiring the wearing of face masks only at hospitals, public transportation, and places of worship.

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