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Imposing charges on single-use bags Dubai’s first step towards ban

A top municipal official has said that imposing charges on single-use bags in Dubai is the first step towards imposing a ban.

In an interview which was shared on Dubai Media, Imad Juma Mohammed, studies and permit section manager at Dubai Municipality, said the aim is to end single-use bags totally.

A new law will ensure mandatory tariff on all single-use bags from July 1 and the restrictions will cover all bags made of plastic, paper, biodegradable plastic and plant-based biodegradable materials that are 57 micrometres thick.

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Imad Juma Mohammed said that the government is conscious of the welfare of future generations across all sectors, “as is evident in the determined efforts of the UAE and Dubai to protect the environment and make Dubai a leader in sustainability.”

“And from July 1, 2022, we will implement the executive council’s decision to impose a fee of 25 fils per bag on single-use bags, aiming to ban such bags altogether within two years. The tariff applies to all single-use bags for carrying goods. Stores are not obliged to offer free alternatives as the overall goal is to drive a change in consumer behaviour in order to preserve the environment for future generations in Dubai,” he added.

Staff Report

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