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LOOK: Pink orchid hybrid named after Leni Robredo

A pathologist has decided to name a pink orchid hybrid after Vice President Leni Robredo.

Dr. Raymundo Lo shared on Twitter that the orchid hybrid, which was pollinated 7 years ago, is registered to UK’s Royal Horticultural Society as “Rhyncholaeliocattleya Leni Robredo.”

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“My orchid hybrid I named for soon-to-be President Leni Robredo. Seven years in the making from pollination to blooming. A labor of love fit for one who labors for Filipinos,” Lo said.

Lo was the former director of the Philippine Children Medical Center. He said the orchid is not yet for commercial sale.

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“I have to have it mericloned to get thousands of exact copies of this flower,” he said.

Pink is the color of Robredo’s campaign as she seeks the presidency in the 2022 elections.

Staff Report

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