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Ease in COVID-19 norms for vaccinated people boosts UAE travel sector

Abolishing the requirement of negative PCR test for vaccinated travellers has given a boost to the family travel sector in the UAE.

After the UAE’s decision to ease COVID-related travel restrictions travel industry executives expect the next two months, especially March, to be busy for the sector. This would be mainly due to mid-term school breaks and pent-up demand for Expo 2020 Dubai.

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The UAE’s National Authority for Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management (NCEMA) said UAE-bound vaccinated travellers are not required to present a PCR test ahead of their travels.

Most destinations around the world have been easing COVID-19 protocols and now exempt vaccinated travellers from carrying PCR test results.

With Expo 2020 Dubai entering its last month in March, Avinash Adnani, managing director of Pluto Travels sees a massive rush, especially from the subcontinent.

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“Leisure travel has started picking up because families are not afraid now of getting stuck in a foreign country. People are confident because they’re vaccinated plus rules are liberalised. Earlier, the biggest concern among travellers was what if we get stuck abroad, but that worry has gone now, giving a really big boost to confidence now,” he said in an interview with Khaleej Times.

Adnani noted people applying for a visa to the US now get December appointment dates because of the rush. “We are almost sitting at the pre-Covid-19 time,” he added.

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