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DOLE, PGH to jointly manage OFW hospital in Philippines

The Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) will jointly manage the country’s first dedicated hospital for overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

DOLE said it recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the PGH to oversee the hospital, which is being built in San Fernando, Pampanga.

RELATED STORY: Duterte issues executive order establishing OFW hospital

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said in the statement that he was glad that the state’s leading research and medical center is supporting the OFW Hospital.

The PGH will help the OFW hospital through the training of clinical and administrative personnel, planning and acquisition of hospital equipment, and formulation of clinical and fiscal process flow and also guide the hospital in creating “electronic medical record and hospital information system and planning of infrastructure layout in relation to clinical services.”

Staff Report

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