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First cooking oil recycling service launched in UAE

Bee’ah Tandeef has recently launched a recycling initiative aiming to convert wasted cooking oil to biodiesel.

The company said that used cooking oil is often being poured down the drain which usually clogs the drainage system.

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“We recognised that the typical way to dispose of used cooking oil has detrimental effects on the environment, burdens public infrastructure, creates inconvenience for people in their homes and poses a risk to a good quality of life. At the same time, used cooking oil offers the opportunity to sustainably create products such as biodiesel. By launching the used cooking oil recycling service, Bee’ah Tandeef is turning these challenges into an opportunity to realise a zero-waste future,” Khaled Al Huraimel, Group CEO of Bee’ah said in a statement.

Once the oil was collected it will be converted to biodiesel.

Several oil collection machines will be placed in communities where membees can deposit their used oil.

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The company will then give new bottles to the members in order to encourage them to make the oil collection a habit.

The first used cooking oil collection machine has been installed near the Sharjah National Park parking lot

Interested community members can also call 800 TANDEEF (826333) to start their cooking oil recycling method.

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