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UAE reminds residents to take COVID-19 booster shots as 87% population gets fully vaccinated

The authorities in the UAE have urged people to take the COVID-19 booster shots after nearly 87 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated against the disease.

The authorities asked people to get booster shots to help fight the disease by increasing their immunity levels.

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The booster doses are known to help people fight against coronavirus and its variants.

Appreciating the efforts made by residents in adhering to COVID-19 protocols, officials said that the number of cases has now fallen below a hundred.

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Nearly 87 per cent of the population in the UAE has been fully vaccinated and a total number of doses has reached 20,965,508 with nearly 97.16 per cent of the population having received the first dose of the vaccine.

As many as 44,492 doses have been administered in the last 24 hours. (AW)

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