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KNOW THE LAW: Are employees entitled to encash unused leaves?

Dear TFT,
I work with a company in Dubai. I have a lot of unused leaves from 2020 and 2021.

I could not avail them since I was not able to travel because of the Covid-19 situation.

Can I encash these leaves?

Yes, you can encash your unused leaves.

Article 78 of the UAE labor law states: “Where it was imperative for the work interest to put a worker on duty during all or part of his annual leave, and if the leave days on which he worked were not carried forward to the following year, the employer shall pay him his normal wage plus an allowance in lieu of leave, for the actually worked days, calculated on the basis of his basic wage.

“In no case shall a worker be made to work during his annual leave more than once in two successive years.” (AW)

Imran Khan

Atty. Imran Khan is a Legal Consultant at Bin Eid Advocates.

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