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UAE’s elected seat on UN Security Council global recognition of its principled position in a world fraught with challenges

by Mohammed Jalal Al Rayssi- Director-General of Emirates News Agency

The United Nations General Assembly’s election today of UAE to serve as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) for the period 2022-2023 signifies the prominent status the nation boasts on the regional and international scene.

Nearly 35 years after serving on the Security Council in 1986-1987 for the first time, the UAE is now taking on this responsibility at a time the world is experiencing unprecedented challenges.

“Following the same steps and principles on which it was founded, the UAE will pursue its efforts to maintain international peace and security in cooperation with the members of the council,” affirmed H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, when the UAE announced its candidacy for this two-year seat last year.

The scale of the responsibility is great, and the challenges are more complex and urgent. From issues of peace, sustainability, climate change, extremism and terrorism to an unprecedented pandemic that shattered all records.

However, the UAE has the expertise and conscious understanding to help find more sustainable solutions to many of these issues that concern the world, based on a great legacy and close relations with all countries and international organisations.

The slogan “Stronger with our Union” reflected the depth of understanding of the importance of global cooperation and interdependence to build up resilience and enhance international peace and security.

During its membership in the UNSC, the UAE has a lot to present, foremost among which is its experience in institutionalising gender equality, fostering tolerance and countering terrorism and extremism, addressing climate change issues, prioritising humanitarian relief, tackling global health pandemics, and harnessing the potential of innovation for peace.

The UAE’s policy, which is inspired by and based on cooperation, dialogue, diplomacy and tolerance, will have a strong presence during this two-year term. The UAE will share its experience with other council members to help maintain peace and security from traditional security threats, as well as from those posed by pressing global challenges such as climate change.

Strengthening the multilateral approach, working with all member states, building resilience, stimulating innovation, and securing peace for generations to come are the priorities of the UNSC, which is the same approach that the UAE believes in and will spare no effort to promote during its term in the council, in pursuance of the approach established by the Founding Father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

The UAE will transfer its experience as a moderate force to the Council, a force that works to promote tolerance, help convey moderate voices, and promote cultural diversity.

The 15-nation council has 10 seats for temporary members but is dominated by its five, veto-wielding permanent members: Russia, China, the United States, Britain, and France.

Staff Report

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