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Sotto pushes for removal of mandatory quarantine for vaccinated travelers

Senator Tito Sotto is pushing for the removal of mandatory quarantine for fully vaccinated travellers against COVID-19.

“Calling on IATF/DOH to remove the 14-day quarantine on fully vaccinated persons entering the Philippines as long as health standards are followed,” Sotto said in a message to reporters on Thursday.

Sotto said that imposing a mandatory 14-day quarantine defeats the purpose of encouraging more people to get their anti-COVID-19 shots.

“Why do fully vaccinated people have to still do the two-week quarantine when traveling to the Philippines? It doesn’t make sense! Defeats the purpose of vaccinating so we can open the economy,” Sotto said.

He warns that this could also discourage potential investors in a coronavirus-hit economy.

“Vaccinated investors won’t come because they have to quarantine or even Filipinos who are vaccinated are having second thoughts,” he added.

The Department of Health said that there’s no enough data yet showing that vaccinated people can no longer carry COVID-19.

Current travel protocols mandate all arriving passengers to under 10 days quarantine and testing on the 7th or 8th day.

Staff Report

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