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LOOK: Pool party in Wuhan—COVID-19’s ground zero—packed with swimmers

(Main Photo credit: STR/AFP via Getty Images)

Photos of a packed party in a water park in Wuhan, China—the origin of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)—have emerged online, prompting worries from netizens worldwide.

The images, taken at Wuhan Maya Beach Water Park, showed hundreds of swimmers close to each other, enjoying the music festival and engaging in water activities without observing social distancing.

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Photo credit: STR/AFP via Getty Images

The swimmers are seen standing shoulder-to-shoulder as they watch a performance, while others float around the pool with inflatable rings or wade up to their chest in water.

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Photo credit: STR/AFP via Getty Images

According to local reports, the park has limited the number of guests to up to 50 percent capacity. However, it has recently offered half-price discounts for female visitors.

COVID-19 originated from Wuhan in China’s Hubei Province, before it spread across the world—infecting over 20 million people and severely impact global trade and economy.

The city went into lockdown in February to alleviate the spread of the disease. In April, Wuhan has lifted the movement restrictions to boost local economy—even offering free entry to 400 tourist sites across the province.

Staff Report

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