
How to know if the person is the right one for you

DUBAI: In this age of “ghosting,” it pays a lot to know if the person is the right one for you.

Here are some tips from Business Insider, which asked relationship experts for the signs to be on the lookout for to know if you’re in good hands.

1) Restaurant Test. Erika Ettin, dating coach and founder of dating site A Little Nudge suggest you try this: You walk into a restaurant with him or her. Do you look around to know if there are people who know you and might see yo together? Or do you want everyone to notice that you two are together?

2) They don’t hold you back. Shannon Thomas, therapist and author of “Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse” says a person who can authentically be excited about your success and goals in life is someone who won’t feel the need to hold you back.

3) They don’t want to change you. Tracy Malone, founder of Narcissist Abuse Support, says: “If your partner wants to change you in any way. He/she is not accepting you for who you are. If that happens, run. That is a sign of a controlling person and he/she will never treat you properly.”

4) They fit into your life. Holly Daniels, a doctor who specializes in anxiety, co-dependency, and relationship addiction at Sober College has these words: “Ask yourself: Do they get along with the other people in your life? Do you get along with their friends and family? Do you have mutual interests and things that you enjoy doing together? If the answer is yes, then you may be on the right track.”

5) They listen to you. Says Elinor Greenberg, psychologist and author of “Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety” : One of the signs that your date is likely to make a good mate is that the he or she shows genuine interest in your life and listens attentively when you are speaking. They also remember things that you have told them about yourself.

“Conversely, if the person that you are dating nearly always monopolizes the conversation, does not ask you about yourself or your day, and then tunes you out when you start speaking, these are clear signals that your date is not really very interested in you as a person except as an audience for them.”

Staff Report

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