
LJ Reyes reveals Paulo Avelino reached out to her; no word yet from Paolo Contis

LJ Reyes revealed that actor Paulo Avelino, who is the father of her eldest child, has reached out to her following her break up with Paolo Contis. 

The actress is now in the United States after her controversial break-up. 

“We’re not friends, friends na parang every day nag-uusap, but he’s been there for Aki naman,” LJ told Boy Abunda in another interview in New York.

“Siya ang nag-send sa akin ng message. Nagsabi lang siya na, parang, I know you’re going through a very difficult time,” she related.

LJ said that Paulo told her to reach out to him if she needs anything.

“At siyempre, ang iniisip niya rin is si Aki, and if anything daw that I need when it comes to Aki, I can always tell him,” LJ said.

The two had a relationship that lasted for four years. 

LJ admitted that Contis has yet to make an effort to reach out to her after their split.

“No, Tito Boy, no efforts,” she said. 

LJ added that she is still working on forgiving her partner. 

Staff Report

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