
Kris Aquino fires back at bashers, defends Josh and Bimby rumors 

Kris Aquino has defended her sons, Josh and Bimby, from online criticisms and rumors against them.

The ‘Queen of All Media’ took to social media in order to defend her two sons.

“I am not blind, and I am not stupid… In a span of a week, my children have been used to trigger me,” the actress posted on her Instagram account.

“Kuya Josh with zero factual basis was said to have impregnated a girl. Bimb has been repeatedly targeted with bullying because people are insisting he is gay,” she added.

Aquino dared those who are accusing her son Josh to name and show them the girl he said to have impregnated.

For those who are questioning the identity of Bimby, Aquino said that he is only 13 years old. She added that if and when Bimby comes out or identified himself as gay, she would have no issues about it.

“I know my son doesn’t identify being gay BUT in the event that he ever does, he will still be my son. The bullying you are doing is a reflection of your homophobic attitudes that are no longer welcome in 2021,” she added.

The actress said that the rumors being hurled against her sons were also meant for her.

“What is very clear to me is that some people cannot stand the fact that despite all their efforts to bury me, I am still standing. And they must be cringing that at a time when our country is hungry and struggling, as a private citizen, I am doing my part with my hard earned money, to share with those in need,” she added.

She warns those who chose to spread rumors against her sons because they are the targeting the wrong kids to harass.

“What does a lioness do when her cubs are threatened? She attacks. Google and see what else she is capable of. This isn’t a threat. I am merely stating a fact,” she added.

Aquino hinted that for now she will remain a private citizen but if people will continue to push her, ‘a yellow brick road is starting to look inviting now’ for her. (TDT)

Staff Report

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