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Multiple streams of income now a trend among underemployed Filipinos – expert

Underemployed Filipinos are looking at multiple streams of income, AMZ AllStars chief executive officer Erick Rodriguez has said.

“In the Philippines, we see underemployment, we see a trend of people creating multiple streams of income…. Filipinos are very entrepreneurial and so they are creating more and more ways to make money,” said Erick Rodriguez in a Business Sense interview.

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Over a third of the global workforce are said to be thinking of leaving their jobs which does not include Filipinos and based on the latest figures from the Philippine Statistics Authority, Filipinos who are employed are looking for more hours of work to make ends meet.

“Right now, we’re living in a day and age where there is a lack of separation between work and non-work…. People talk about how great it is to work from home…but what people don’t talk about is there is drastically less sense of belonging and ownership. If you don’t build that sense of camaraderie at the beginning and continue that, and foster that, you’re gonna have higher attrition rates,” Rodriguez said.

Staff Report

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