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‘Apocalyptic?’: Dust storm covers cities in Brazil

A massive dust storm took over several cities in Sao Paulo state in Brazil over the weekend.

Videos taken by residents show the dust storm slowly blanketing parts of the state, giving zero visibility in areas taken over by it.

Among the affected areas are Franca, Ribeirao Preto, Aracatuba, Barretos and Presidente Prudente.

Some clips taken by residents show that the dust storm was reddish in color as it covered buildings—no matter how tall they are—that it would reach.

“First comes the storm and the storm cloud, which generated the most horizontal wind current and messed up all this debris. As it has not rained in months in that region, there is a lot of dust, the soil and vegetation are dry, and the fires have also contributed ”, meteorologist Estael Sias said in an interview with Correio Braziliense.

“The wind that follows the storm will help spread this sand more and it will dissolve, like the process of fog, which is slow but aided by the wind itself,” he added. (NM)

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