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From poverty to Olympics win: Filipino boxer Nesthy Petecio charts a long journey

Athlete Nesthy Petecio has come a long way from fighting poverty to scoring victory at the Tokyo Olympics.

From collecting chicken droppings to fighting for food, Nesthy has charted a long journey to the featherweight boxing final which is being held on Tuesday.

After her thrilling win over Italian boxer Irma Testa on Saturday at Kokugikan Arena, teary-eyed Petecio, said it meant a lot to her.

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“This means so much to me as not only it is my dream, it is my father’s dream. It’s not for me, it’s for my family, my country and for all the people from the Philippines who have prayed for me. I love you, I love you,” said Petecio.

The athlete who was born in an impoverished farming family at Santa Cruz, Davao del Sur, has faced several odds to reach the Olympics.

Her father Teodoro, mother Prescilla and the family farmed and toiled hard on their small plot of land in Davao and would often borrow money to buy food.

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Initially she joined neighbourhood competitions on basketball courts, beaches, and even makeshift boxing rings in the street.

Her father who had dreamed of becoming a boxer started coaching her at seven years of age and at 11 she won locally against a male opponent.

Realizing that boxing could bring the family out of poverty, she soon fought international matches and in 2019 she won the Thailand Open. (AW)

Staff Report

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