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UAE suspends hourly duty for household service workers

Tadbeer has announced the suspension of both hourly and daily maid services across the country.

The UAE’s Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization states that the temporary suspension of short-term recruitment for domestic workers was implemented as part of the government’s precautionary measures against the spread of COVID-19.

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Instead of a daily or hourly rate, housemaids, cleaners, and other domestic workers are now mandated to stay with their employer for a minimum of seven days. Those who are assigned to a household are not allowed to be transferred or replace during their assignment.

All household workers will also undergo a mandatory COVID-19 PCR test to ensure that they are negative from the coronavirus disease before they begin working at their assigned homes. The result should appear no more than 48 hours before the beginning of their duty.

MOHRE also instructed all Tadbeer centers to facilitate the COVID-19 testing for their domestic workers.

READ ON: Dubai Police arrest sponsor who ‘tortured’ maid

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