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Philippines sends home OFWs from crisis-hit Lebanon

Vice Consul Miko Cabatingan (left) and Attaché Graciel Dadulla (right) send off repatriates at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport (BRHIA) on July 24, 2022. Following the repatriation flight, the embassy reduced the number of jailed Filipino workers in Lebanon by 70 percent. (Photo courtesy of PH Embassy in Lebanon)

The Philippine Embassy in Lebanon sent home 14 distressed Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in July 2022 from crisis-hit Lebanon.

The Philippine Embassy helped bring the group of physically abused workers, sheltered runaways, and detained nationals back home.

In coordination with relevant Lebanese authorities, they were cleared from respective immigration liabilities and the repatriates expressed their gratitude to the Philippine Embassy which has pledged to assist Filipinos and their dependents while Lebanon experiences its economic crisis.

In the first quarter of 2022, the Embassy’s shelter catered to distressed and undocumented Filipinos and with the repatriation the shelter occupancy has reduced by 98 percent.

The embassy has helped bring down the number of jailed Filipino workers in Lebanon by 70 percent and the repatriates will be assisted by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) with their quarantine accommodations and onward domestic flights to their respective hometowns.

Staff Report

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