
Man disappears after getting accidentally paid 286 times his salary in Chile

A man disappeared after accidentally getting paid 286 times his salary in Chile and had received around 165,398,851 Chilean pesos (AED662,567 or Php 9.9M).

The man acknowledged the fault on the part of his organisation and agreed to return the amount that was paid to him in excess, but last month he resigned from the company and disappeared.

The man worked at Consorcio Industrial de Alimentos (Cial), one of the largest producers of cold cuts in Chile and the company accidentally paid the employee 165,398,851 Chilean pesos (Rs 1.42 crore), instead of the 500,000 pesos (Rs 43,000) he was entitled to and the incident came to their notice when the management checked their records and found the error.

The employee had contacted a deputy manager in the human resource department to report the error in payment and agreed to visit the bank to get the amount refunded.

However, when the company did not receive the amount back, they tried contacting the man for an update, but there was no communication and when the company did not receive a refund notification from the bank, they tried to get in touch with the employee.

Their messages were not answered and on June 2 he handed over his resignation and several reports have now surfaced which reveal that the man has disappeared.

Staff Report

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