Restaurants, food courts, and other F&B outlets in Dubai may soon serve their customers on their shop’s tables once again.
Dubai Economy’s latest circular reminds that F&B outlets and food courts should only maintain 30% capacity, and ensure social distancing per each customer.
Required social distancing measures include placing tables two meters apart for all customers or perhaps another option is for restaurants to use separators and/or screens between tables.
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Authorities continue to encourage the public to opt for deliveries and takeaways whenever possible.
Dubai Economy also furthered that malls will be allowed to open for 10 hours daily during Ramadan, from 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm and that these establishments can resume their regular working hours after Ramadan ends, with adherence to the curfew timings.
Malls are also included in the 30% occupancy ceiling and are ordered to prevent the entry of elderly above 60, children below 12 as well as people of all ages who have medical conditions. Malls should likewise close 75% of their parking spaces as instructed by authorities.