
Bureau of Immigration implements partial ban for newly-hired DHs bound to Kuwait

The Philippines has started the implementation of the partial ban for newly hired Filipino Domestic helpers who are bound for Kuwait.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced the start of the partial ban for the deployment of newly hired domestic workers off to Kuwait after it received the order from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), as per a report from the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
BI acting port operations division chief Grifton Medina said that immigration officers from several parts of international ports were directed to strictly implement the partial ban.
“Our system is integrated with POEA’s system, hence with a click of a finger, we would be able to verify an overseas Filipino worker’s (OFW) records immediately,” Medina also said.
The ongoing partial ban is a response for the brutal death of Jeanelyn Villavende, a Filipino worker who was allegedly killed by her employer in late December 2019.

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