
Mocha Uson’s partylist gets second largest vote from OFWs

Former assistant secretary Mocha Uson’s partylist may be lagging behind in the runup for partylist representative. But for overseas Filipinos, it got the second largest vote.

Data from the partial and unofficial tally of Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) showed AA-Kasosyo has so far accumulated 14,509 votes.

The partylist of Anti-Crime and Terrorism Community Involvement and Support (ACT-CIS) is the top choice of OFWs, as well as nationwide. For OAVs, it gathered 52,181 votes.

In the UAE, it got 4,528 votes.

ACT-CIS was named the wife of broadcaster Raffy Tulfo, Jocelyn, as one of its representatives.

More than half of the overseas votes of Uson’s AA-Kasosyo (51%) are from.the Middle East, 42 percent from Asia-Pacific region; five percent from Europe and a small percentage from the Americas.

OFW Family partylist got the third most number of votes with 7.343 votes.

The Duterte Youth, which is a described to be a supporter of President Duterte, was in the fourth place with 6,942 votes.

Another OFW-aligned partylist group ACTS OFW received 6,767 votes and got the fifth place; the anti-graft and corruption Citizens’ Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC) partylist is in the sixth place with 6,765 votes; the militant group BayanMuna was in the seventh place and got 4,831 votes; the Magdalo partylist made it to the eighth spot with 4,083 votes; Sagip is in the ninth place with 3,250 votes; and the Magsasaka partylist so far in the tenth place with 2,925 votes.

Staff Report

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