
Stone tools used by homo sapiens found in Misamis Oriental

Archaeologists from the University of the Philippines have uncovered volcanic stones used as tools by Homo sapiens at a site in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental.

In the same site, were also found what could be walls of what was once a structure made of limestones, according to a report from Manila-based independent news portal, Rappler.

The archaeologists confirmed that the artifacts date back to 3,000 BC.

Citing, Lee Anthony Neri of the UP Archaeological Studies Program, the report said dozens of students and archeologists discovered the artifacts at a site called Calumat, among which include the obsidian stones used as tools.

Neri also said that some of the artifacts they discovered were not only from the Neolithic age.

They have found some pieces of potteries from 500 BC, as well as Chinese porcelains and other artifacts from earlier centuries, the report said.

“This proves that the Calumat site was continually occupied by early men,” Neri said.

Neri added that the artifacts they have found proved that the early settlers in Misamis Oriental have already traded with other countries as early as 500 BC.

Concerns were, however, raised because the Calumat hill site has unfortunately been damaged with the widening of the national highway in 2014.

“We strongly recommend for the protection of the site. This is the history of our people, not just from Alubijid, these are also cultural heritage,” Neri said.

The National Museum will also be inspecting the Calumat site this month and recommend the conservation of the area.

Staff Report

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