
7 OFWs win Dh10,000 each in remittance center raffle

DUBAI: Seven overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in the UAE have one more reason to be happy this new year: Dh10,000 that they each won in a raffle promotion of a big money remittance company.

Michelle Sanchez, head of Philippine Corridor Marketing at UAE Exchange, identified the lucky winners as Francis Romero, Emilie Joy Aquino Callejo, Khomini Ampatuan Utto, Wilson Mitra, Geraline Per, Alfredo Jr. Boon and Nomer Alejo.

Sanchez said this biggest batch of OFW winners won during the Nov. 19, 2018 – Dec. 29, 2018 Winter Promo period of the remittance center.

Callejo, a procurement assistant who has been in Dubai since 2008, said she has monthly been sending money to her mother in the Philippines through UAE Exchange.

Emilie Joy Aquino Callejo 1

She said she will use part of the winnings on her condo investment in Quezon City which is scheduled for turn over this March. Another part, she said, will go to investing in the stock market.

“I was in disbelief when I was informed that I won. I thought it was all a crank call,” Callejo told The Filipino Times, adding that she double checked with the company to confirm it.

Per, a domestic helper, for her part, said she will use the money to settle land issues back home. “Nakasanla kasi,” she said.

Geraline Per 1
Per said she has been in Dubai for five years and has been regularly sending money to her children and parents every month through UAE Exchange.

“Sobrang masaya. Malaking blessing talaga,” she told TFT, adding that UAE Exchange’s regular raffle draws is a factor why she has not sent money through other remittance centers.

The same goes with Mitra, who also regularly sends money to his family back home: “Kung saan may promo.”
“Masaya ako. Blessing talaga,” he said.

Staff Report

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