
Up to Dh1 million fine for violating this UAE law

The next time you see news or any information online that seems too good or too complicated to be true, you better off check reliable sources first before sharing them on social media.

Sharing of unverified news, especially concerning the UAE and its leaders, is punishable by a hefty fine of up to Dh1 million as per the UAE Anti-Cybercrime Law.

Article 29 of Federal Law No 5 of 2012 states that sharing “information, news, statements or rumours” that are damaging to the “reputation” of the state or any of its institutions.

This offense covers sharing fake news, including rumors and unverified information, on all social media platforms and sharing them to friends on other messaging apps such as WhatsApp and e-mails.

“Remember that not everything you read on social media is true, some are just rumours that can cause harm to others or to the state. We ask you to always verify the source and to use the official accounts of the government to verify the news,” an earlier warning issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) read.

Depending on the degree of private information shared, the person who originally posted the material may be subjected to a fine of up to Dh1 million.

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