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Ghosted in a relationship? How NLP coaching can help you heal and move on

Have you ever been ghosted in a relationship? It can be a painful experience for many people who have given their whole hearts to someone only for them to vanish without a trace.

Being ghosted many times can leave you feeling insecure and anxious in your current or future romantic relationships. But don’t worry—there’s hope with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching.

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a technique designed to transform behavior, thinking, and speech patterns. Often used by mental health professionals, NLP helps treat issues like depression, anxiety, and phobias by uncovering and altering negative thought patterns.

But NLP isn’t just for addressing serious concerns; it’s also valuable for personal growth and enhancing various aspects of life, including your love life.

Healing past traumas with NLP

Many people struggle with past traumas and negative emotions in relationships, often feeling unworthy due to these experiences. Life coach Alexandra Reyes uses NLP to assist clients in overcoming these limiting beliefs, thereby fostering self-worth and confidence.

“For example, getting ghosted can really hurt when you feel like you really formed a connection with someone only for them to suddenly disappear,” Reyes explains. Through NLP, clients can reframe these situations.

“Instead of dwelling on the hurt, view it as a sign that the person wasn’t right for you,” she advises. NLP techniques can help clients change their perspective on such issues.

“We can either continue to dwell on the hurt and curse the person who ghosted you or the universe for making this happen, or we can view it as a sign that this person wasn’t actually right for you even if they seemed like they were,” Reyes says.

“Your time is precious and you don’t need to spend any more time talking to the wrong person,” she adds. With NLP, those who have been ghosted can transform their experience into an opportunity for growth and new possibilities.

A simple NLP technique: Dissolving bad memories

Ghosting can cause bad memories. Fortunately, NLP offers various techniques to deal with ghosting. One simple method that you can do is ‘dissolving’ bad memories. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Recall the memory: Bring to mind a negative experience, like being ghosted by someone.
  2. Visualize the details: Focus on the visual and auditory aspects of the memory. What do you see and hear? Were you in your room, waiting for a text? How many days did you wait for one? When did you realize you were ghosted?
  3. Zoom in: Notice specific details like colors, shapes, and sizes. How vivid does this memory feel? What are the objects in your room? Paint a vivid picture in your mind.
  4. Push away: Imagine the details fading, the colors becoming muted, and the memory moving further away.
  5. Reflect on lessons: Consider the positive lessons learned. Perhaps it’s realizing the relationship wasn’t right or recognizing toxic traits.
  6. Let go: Keep the valuable lessons and let the negative memory drift away until it’s out of sight—and out of your mind.

If the memory resurfaces, repeat these steps to diminish its impact once more.

By incorporating NLP techniques, you can overcome hurtful experiences from your past romantic relationships. This will lead you to healthier interactions with your current or future partner for a more fulfilling and confident dating experience.

Camille Quirino

Camille Quirino is a Junior Writer at The Filipino Times, passionate about sharing the stories of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). She previously contributed to Magic 89.9 and various TV productions and finds fulfillment in crafting compelling narratives that shed light on the experiences of OFWs. Outside of work, Camille enjoys playing the ukulele and meeting new people to hear their stories. She believes everyone has a unique narrative worth sharing and is dedicated to capturing these stories in her writing. Reach Camille at [email protected].

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