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Man kidnapped as a baby reunited with millionaire parents

A Chinese man who was kidnapped as a baby 33 years ago was recently reunited with his wealthy parents in May this year.

The long-lost son Zhang Huaiyuan received a bank card holding AED 605,135 (PHP 9.6 million) from his father, Li Shijie, during their reunion.

Zhang’s story inspired many netizens, who witnessed his reunion with his long-lost family.

In 1991, Li’s wife gave birth prematurely to their son, Zhang, in a hospital. However, the delivering doctor kidnapped the newborn and gave him to relatives who were unable to conceive.

The doctor told Li and his wife that their baby could not survive.

Meanwhile, Zhang grew up in a poor family with a disabled ‘dad’ who raised him in Anhui, a province about 250 miles from his real parents.

Zhang lost out on education as he dropped out of school at 17 years old to work to support his pretend family.

When Zhang’s phony ‘dad’ died, his ‘mom’ told him the truth about his real parents, fearing that he might be left without a family if she died, too.

Afterward, Zhang tirelessly searched for his parents and was eventually reunited with his biological family, who had initially believed he was dead. His identity was confirmed through DNA tests.

Zhang’s biological parents initially worried about how their long-lost son had been raised, but they soon learned that he had thrived despite growing up in a poor family. Zhang had opened his own factory and was married with a nine-year-old son.

This story serves as a reminder that, in the end, the truth will prevail and hope remains for everyone.

Camille Quirino

Camille Quirino is a Junior Writer at The Filipino Times, passionate about sharing the stories of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). She previously contributed to Magic 89.9 and various TV productions and finds fulfillment in crafting compelling narratives that shed light on the experiences of OFWs. Outside of work, Camille enjoys playing the ukulele and meeting new people to hear their stories. She believes everyone has a unique narrative worth sharing and is dedicated to capturing these stories in her writing. Reach Camille at [email protected].

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