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DMW to review policy on seafarer deployment to the Red Sea

Photo courtesy: DMW

The Department of Migrant Workers said they are studying the policy on the deployment of Filipino seafarers sailing through the Red Sea.

The area has been often been attacked by rebel group Houthi since last year.

Earlier this week, the rebel group attacked MV Tutor with 22 Filipino seafarers onboard.

“We cannot stop the commerce, a ship from sailing… but in light of this recent incident, we are reviewing this current policy. Just give us room to review the policy,” DMW Secretary Hans Cacdac said in a Saturday news forum.

Cacdac added that the Philippines already directed ships carrying Filipino seafarers to divert its routes away from rebel-infested areas.

But the DMW chief admitted that they are still assessing “political and security considerations.”

Cacdac said Filipino seafarers have the right to decline if their ship will sail through dangerous waters.

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