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OFWs’ choice: Why this energy-efficient community in Bulacan, Philippines is quickly gaining popularity

It is a well-known fact that the earning potential of working overseas is far greater than staying in the Philippines no matter how much one slaves away at work. However, nowadays, attaining financial autonomy on one’s monthly salary alone is close to, if not, impossible. The need for passive income, no matter how little, is still present.

While some Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) opt to devote their hard-earned money to businesses they put up in the Philippines, their lack of presence back home often leads to mismanagement of their business and, eventually, bankruptcy. This is why most Filipinos working abroad prefer investing on properties as a means of passive income. But with the number of developments in the Philippines, how can one decide on a property to choose?

A Noteworthy Option

Location is probably one of the primary factors that a person considers when buying property. Apart from it being close to key establishments and facilities, the neighborhood’s security and peacefulness are also among the things a potential buyer looks at. A developer’s reputation is also one factor that can greatly affect the decision-making process. Once all these factors are in play, it will be much easier for one to narrow down their choices. And if one still finds the options too broad, a development’s unique selling point can surely help a buyer arrive at a conclusive choice.

When talking about unique selling points, one specific Philippine development can surely top others in terms of range of offerings—PH1 World Developers’ first horizontal development, Northscapes San Jose del Monte. Designed to help its future residents live a sustainable lifestyle, this Bulacan development boasts of three energy-efficient features and three intricately designed community features.

Energy-efficient, sustainable, resident-centric community

All of Northscapes San Jose del Monte’s three unit offerings come with built-in SolarSave Energy Panels, ResiShade Tinted Windows, and TropiCool Insulated Walls. The SolarSave Energy Panels can harness solar energy into usable power, the ResiShade Tinted Windows can mitigate the amount of heat that enters the home, and the TropiCool Insulated Walls can regulate the cool indoor temperature. All of these three features combined can help homeowners save up to 45,000 pesos annually on electricity.

Giving future homeowners value for money, PH1 World Developers also equipped Northscapes San Jose del Monte with community features that will surely result to a convenient living experience. Ensuring the safety of residents as well as the community’s aesthetic appeal, most of Northscapes San Jose del Monte’s wirings and cables are placed underground. With the streets lined with Solar Streetlights, both the environment and the homeowners’ pockets will suffer less. To add to the residents’ convenience and peace of mind, a community E-Shuttle will give them free daily rides to key areas in the city so they would no longer have to worry about battling traffic, burning fuel, or even the hassle of finding a parking spot.

Putting the needs and wants of its potential residents first, PH1 World Developers lined Northscapes San Jose del Monte with amenities that would fit different lifestyles. Apart from a swimming pool and a basketball court, residents who wish to live an active lifestyle can enjoy free use of a jogging path as well as the manual exercise equipment found in the Active Park. For those who wish to celebrate special occasions with family and friends, the community clubhouse, Village Park, and landscaped gardens can serve as venues for their gatherings. Keeping furry members of families in mind, PH1 World Developers also included a Bark Park for them to exercise and socialize in.

Innovation and Engineering Excellence by Construction Titan

Serving as the cherry on top of the multi-tiered treat that is Northscapes San Jose del Monte is the fact that the development is being built by PH1 World Developers’ parent company, construction titan Megawide Construction Corporation. Preceded by its reputation for innovation and engineering excellence, Megawide’s portfolio includes the renowned Mactan-Cebu International Airport, the Parañaque Integrated Terminal Exchange, and the Westside City Resorts World. Megawide’s construction of PH1 World Developers’ projects gives stakeholders the assurance that only the best quality materials are used in their homes.

To know more about Northscapes San Jose del Monte and PH1 World Developers’ other developments, take part in the biggest and grandest celebration of Philippine Independence at Zabeel Hall 3 of the World Trade Centre on June 8, 2024 from 8AM to 8PM. You may also call +63917-5990419 for further information.

Staff Report

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