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IECEP UAE Chapter holds 15th Annual General Assembly, recognizes outstanding members

The Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines (IECEP) UAE Chapter conducted its 15th Annual General Assembly and third Technical Seminar on December 2, 2023, at the Millennium Downtown Hotel in Abu Dhabi.

Former IECEP National President Imelda Reodique Walcien spearheaded the event as the guest speaker, engaging with members and guests in a full day of celebration and discussions.

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The assembly served as an opportunity for members to come together as a community, share ideas, and collectively contribute to the continued success of the organization.

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Engr. Leif Marvin Valeros, ECE, shared his insights in a technical presentation entitled “Access System Overview, Latest Technologies and Integration to other Building Auxiliary Systems,” expanding the knowledge and values of the attendees.

Last November, the IECEP UAE Chapter received international awards during the IECEP Awards Night held at the Technological Institute of the Philippines – Quezon City and during the IECEP National AGM in Novotel Manila Araneta City. These awards were further highlighted during the assembly, recognizing outstanding members and partners of the organization.

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Below are the awards received by the organization and its members:

  • Presidential Award – IECEP UAE
  • Secretary General Award – IECEP UAE
  • Treasurer’s Award – IECEP UAE
  • CPD Council Award – IECEP UAE
  • Hall of Fame Award – Chamber of Excellence (5 times as Best Chapter) – IECEP UAE
  • Outstanding ECE for 2023 – Engr. Lloyd Allen Ondona
  • Leader Awardee – Category 1 (Foreign Chapter) – Engr. Rafael Lontoc
  • Golden Pin Awardee – Engr. Gil Javier
  • Silver Pin Awardee – Engr. Jethroefel Ramboyong
  • Silver Pin Awardee – Engr. Carlo Amigable
  • Silver Pin Awardee – Engr. Herminio Vendiola

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Citations and recognitions:

  • Chairperson – International and Foreign Chapters Committee – Engr. Rafael Lontoc
  • Member – Corporate and External Relations Committee – Engr. Analiza Binondo
  • Member – International and Foreign Chapters Committee – Engr. Reuben James Sevillano
  • Member – Special Programs Committee – Engr. Rafael Lontoc
  • Lakambini of UAE – Engr. Alyssa Jane Isana

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Furthermore, The Filipino Times has been recognized as the organization’s supportive media partner.

Eng. Rafael Lontoc, IECEP UAE Chapter – Governor and Chairman of the Board congratulated all the members and the former and current leaders of the organization for their support, dedication, and commitment. Everyone has played a vital role in achieving this success in their 15th year and continues to contribute to the organizations’ mission, vision, and objectives.

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Staff Report

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